Utter Glihitter, Peformance still, Duration 10mins. Southstreet Arts Centre, February 2024

Utter Glihitter, Performance still, Duration 10mins. Southstreet Arts Centre, February 2024

Utter Glihitter, Performance still, Duration 10mins. Southstreet Arts Centre, February 2024

Utter Glihitter, Performance Trailer, 2mins February 2024

Utter Glihitter, Performance still, Duration 10mins. Southstreet Arts Centre, February 2024

Utter Gli(h)itter

South Street Arts centre, Reading, February 2024.

In a collision between interview and a failing game of keep up the inflated glove, words,  performers and  theater space are also inflated out to their edges, to a point of unstable identity/function. The title Gli(h)itter misspells the word Glitter with a 'pseudo-silent' H. The letter H a letter that Author Steve Connor in his lecture ‘‘Whisper Music’’ (Tate 2007) reminds us is between onomatopoeic breathiness and normal letter articulation. The H collaborates with the reading outload of the word, yet at the same time corrupts/infects and contaminates its spelling with its excess breathiness. The performance and the performers themselves interrupted by the breath; they become breathless, the words spoken by each performer layered by the others words and breathlessness. Words and sentences split, fractured, gli(h)ittered. 
Photo credit: Annabela Fudella 


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